
The co-founders of Superhand: Meet Jack Parsons and Leon Marseglia

Gonzalo Rizzo

As mentors, they prioritise genuine connection and understanding, fostering environments where empathy fuels success. Join us to explore their inspiring journeys and how their empathic leadership is reshaping the future of the field.

Who is Jack Parsons?

Jack is a prominent advocate for youth empowerment, earning recognition as one of the UK's most compassionate leaders by the Financial Times. Normally referred to as the UK’s Chief Youth Officer.

He co-founded Youth Group (now Superhand) with a mission to provide millions of young individuals access to employment opportunities, skill development, and mentorship, transforming it into one of the nation's largest youth communities. 

Despite facing adversity in his upbringing, raised by a single mother battling alcoholism and only with their siblings' support, Jack persevered through setbacks and rejections in the professional world. Motivated by his own experiences, he dedicated his twenties to empowering youth to overcome challenges and succeed. Jack's core values of kindness, authenticity, and people-centric approach underpin his work, earning him accolades such as Young Digital Leader of the Year, inclusion in the Top 15 Young People to Watch, and recognition as a Face of a Vibrant Economy.

He was also named LinkedIn’s Top Voice For Youth in Aug 2023

Driven by a fervent desire to support young individuals navigating life's myriad challenges, he helms his own podcast titled "My Duvet Flip" (produced by Superhand and backed by notable brands like Ey and Aviva). 

With each episode, he unveils a fresh guest hailing from some of the globe's largest corporations, delving into their professional journey and personal narrative. From exploring contemporary issues like the progression of artificial intelligence to forecasting the trajectory of the workplace environment, he consistently endeavors to impart uplifting and motivational messages to the youth. 

Having completed three seasons, he is poised to embark on the fourth, continuing his mission to inspire and empower.

Who is Leon Marseglia?

Leon's story is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in the power of youth. Growing up in a city deemed the worst place to live in Great Britain, Leon faced challenges that could have easily stifled his aspirations. But instead of allowing his circumstances to define him, he chose to defy expectations and carve his own path.

From a young age, Leon harboured a passion for entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. Despite the limited resources available to him, he immersed himself in the world of technology start-up development, eager to learn and grow in pursuit of his dreams. As fate would have it, Leon met Jack and started with YouthGroup.  Alongside a dedicated team, he worked tirelessly to create programs, events, and opportunities that empowered, inspired, and connected young individuals from diverse backgrounds.

But Leon's impact extended beyond the realm of youth advocacy. As the executive producer of My Duvet Flip, he curated captivating stories of changemakers, innovators, and leaders who were making a tangible difference in their communities and beyond. Despite his introverted nature, Leon refused to let it hinder his progress. Instead, he embraced his strengths and used them to navigate the extroverted world around him. Motivated by his personal vision to remove the 'dis' out of disadvantaged, he remained steadfast in his commitment to helping others achieve their full potential.

As Leon continued to pursue his passions and make a difference in the lives of others, he remained humble, driven, and always eager to explore new opportunities for growth and improvement. For him, the journey was not just about personal success—it was about leaving a lasting impact on the world and empowering future generations to do the same.

How did they meet?

Jack and Leon share an amusing origin story for their partnership.

Before the Covid era, Leon managed a small video agency, crafting product videos for brands on Instagram. One fortunate day, Jack stumbled upon one of Leon's videos and reached out. Their conversation quickly delved into entrepreneurship, with Leon introducing Jack to the wonders of LinkedIn.

Ever the good sport, Jack played along, feigning ignorance about LinkedIn. Leon kindly offered assistance in setting up Jack's profile, and within minutes, Jack shared his profile link. To Leon's astonishment, Jack was already a notable figure with a substantial following.

Fast forward, their initial interaction sparked the creation of Superhand, merging their respective businesses. And thus, their journey together began.

The beginning of YouthGroup, the rebranding and Superhand

Established in January 2020 by Jack and Leon, YouthGroup embodied their shared passion and dedication to empowering young individuals. Their primary goal is to support the next generation, aiding them in advancing their careers and refining their skills.

In March 2021, they achieved a milestone by reaching 100,000 connections between members and employers. Then, in May 2023, they launched a new platform to amplify their impact across the UK, with the aim of expanding their community and strengthening brand partnerships.

By March 2024, they underwent an evolution. Transitioning from youthgroup.com to Superhand, they aim to embrace inclusivity and widen their reach. While "youth" had been their focal point, they broaden their horizons to welcome individuals aged 18 to 30 and beyond. Superhand symbolizes their dedication to empowering young adults striving for success, marking a new chapter in their journey to dismantle age barriers and unite diverse individuals.

Superhand emerged as a platform for the next generation to connect, earn, and learn from leading brands. While supporting young people, Superhand also facilitates brands in connecting with the next generation by launching their brand space and promoting missions. Tailored to individuals of any experience level, education, or skill set, Superhand expedites their progress, offering the right opportunities for growth and advancement.